“I am the Lord who healeth thee”
My Testimony
At first, when asked to give a short testimony as to how God’s goodness and mercy has touched my life, it was easy to come up with many trials and tribulations. God has saved me from being attacked inches from death, jumping from a moving car to save my life in a robbery attempt, the loss of family members, surviving unemployment, and watching my precious mother deal with sickness every day. There were times that there was nothing I could do, but pray and call on the name of Jesus. I held on to his word (“Trust in the Lord at all times and lean not unto your understanding.” Proverbs 3:35) I could go on and on, but something in my spirit spoke to me and said, “Tell them about how every day God’s love and mercy I see.”
Jesus loves me every day despite myself. God has been with me when family and friends turned away. I’ve lived in my apartment for 35 years that has sheltered me from the cold. Although my knees suffer from arthritis I still can walk on my own. My eyes can still see and read God’s word. I can still see the smiling faces of those I love, and smell my favorite food cooking on Sunday. God has planted my feet in a wonderful Church that teaches and lives God’s word. I’ve been blessed with the spirit of giving, a great love for people, and a heart that forgives. For the bible says in Luke 6:38, “Give and it shall be given unto you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall man give unto your bosom.”
I thank God, for every day he gives me another chance, and helps me to get it right.
I’m still a work in progress!
I feel so blessed with this relationship that I have been developing with God. I have experienced sadness, loss, and heartache. I know what it is to be so sick that sometimes I could not even walk, and did not want to talk. I know what is is to feel low and depressed, and from the depths of my problems and despair I found myself asking God the question, “Why me?”
Now, I have learned to have faith in God and to call on his name through prayer and praise. He has been faithful to hear and answer when I call upon him. He has given me a joy in my heart so that, no matter what I am going through, my spirit remains bright; it remains happy; and it remains constant. God has been so good to me I cannot complain.
I’m alive. I’m well. I’m blessed. I feel renewed in my mind, body, my soul.
I am happy that I have found a place and a family a New Covenant Church of God that I can worship and learn of God’s love. I have learned that without Jesus in my life, I cannot be truly happy. All the material things that I once thought I needed in my life to be happy, I no longer desire because God has filled me up with His grace and mercy and I thank Him, I praise Him. When I feel the pressure of this world, I now know how to ask God for perseverance and strength. I now know how to ask God for His guidance. He is the one that I should and will turn to. He will answer me.
Yes, I am still a work in progress. But I am absolutely sure that if I hold firm to him in my faith, continue to learn about Him, and lean on Him, He will continue to direct my path.
Sara T.
I accepted Jesus Christ in November, 1995. I gained my salvation and I knew I was saved. But after 15 years in my former church, faithfully serving and functioning in many roles, the desire and longing to know more of God and His son Jesus would burn inside and would not leave me. The desire to know better this Christ, who I loved and adored, only grew stronger each passing year. But, where I was, I had not yet found the answer my heart was seeking.
Not having a sufficient Bible Study Class in my home church caused me to begin my search to find somewhere I could go to get the knowledge and understanding about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit which I so desperately wanted.
I had planned to visit at least five churches in my neighborhood to see which was doing the best job teaching the Word. I mentioned to a friend that I was searching for a good Bible Class. The friend recommended a church in the neighborhood. This church, I had not included on my list of the five churches to visit. I made the decision and took the recommendation to visit New Covenant Church of God.
I now had the answer to my desire and prayers to learn about God; I could not leave. It was all over my spirit that God had sent me to this church.
But this isn’t how it ends: this is where my testimony begins.
One month passed, and I had not yet returned to my former church. Instead, I had begun attending Sunday Services as well as Bible Study Classes at New Covenant Church. In my spirit I knew I wasn’t to leave (or return to my old church). I did not know exactly why. After all, I was only looking for a good Bible Study Class, not a new home church.
Then life happened. My world as I knew it came apart. Stability and peace unraveled with the sudden and unexpected diagnosis of terminal cancer for my oldest sibling. It was a cancer that would end his life within a year. And in the same month of the news of his diagnosis (November 2009), I suffered the sudden death of another sibling. The surprise and shock of the losses and the pain and circumstances surrounding them caused my Faith to be shaken and my physical and emotional strength to be taken.
I was hurt, living with severe pain, and in need of healing. The oppression by satan became my daily struggle. And satan became my greatest taunt. I had never experienced anything like I was experiencing, I really did not know why this was happening. After all, by then I was already saved for 15 years. Why wouldn’t that have been enough years to make me strong? Well, it wasn’t because: a personal relationship of complete surrender is what God had intended for me. It’s what God planned for me. He is his intention that we all develop a personal relationship with Him. Sanctification (being set apart and special for God) is what God requires. And the only way I could get there was through the true understanding of God’s Word; by the rightly dividing of the Truth of God’s Word. That is what we receive here at New Covenant Church of God. And I know today, this is why God sent me to New Covenant; because God is a God of our present as well as our future. He foreknew my needs and provided for such needs through the ministry of New Covenant Church of God
Little did I know that 14 years prior, that God and birthed this ministry and given unto this Pastor a call on his life to establish this ministry of Healing as a hospital for the broken in spirit, for the lost, and the broken-hearted, and any who are in need of healing.
My testimony is about an encounter with obedience. It is about submission and surrender. First, by this Pastor, because he heeded the call of God to establish the ministry God had predestined for him. And secondly, my obedience to remain in a place that God had prepared and made available for me. Here, at New Covenant, is where God sent me so that I could be here when the storm took hold of my life in November of 2009. (We have to go where God sends and not stay where we are comfortable just because it is comfortable.)
To be obedient to God is gain for us, and it brings Glory to God. Today, in 2015, I can say that my Faith is far greater. I know and understand God’s love; His love for me and my love for Him. I learned the truth of God’s Word and it has renewed my mind in Christ Jesus. And because of it, satan can in no way oppress my life as he once did.
In learning the truth and power of God’s Word and His love, I am now able to claim the victory. In October 2009 God knew what was ahead for my life (He foreknew) and in preparation for what was to come, God in His grace admitted me into this ministry (a hospital) so that I would be right where He needed me as He took me through what would turn out to be a real test of Faith for my life. I now firmly know in Whom I believe and Whom I fully serve in my life.
Here at New Covenant and Healing Hearts Ministries is where God chose to teach me about Who He Is. And that is how I am healed and renewed today in my mind. Knowing with confidence and assurance this day, of whom I will serve, I say, “I choose you Lord.”
Of the more many memorable and anointed sermons and teachings, two of the most memorable for me area: “I Was Blind, But Now I See” of March 2010, and “Plagues of The Heart” of 2014. Combined with all the many things I have gained from this ministry, these two sermons spoke specifically to prayers that only God and the Holy Spirit heard me praying. They were the biggest catalyst for change in me.
A few years ago I was involved in a car accident that totaled my car, but I came out of the car without a scratch. Shortly after that, I was told by a doctor that I had cancer.
I knew God would not allow me to experience anything that would be more that I could bare. After going through the process of radiation, chemo therapy, and prayer, God healed me of cancer.
The doctor was so surprised, that he put in a prayer request for himself. He reminded me of the man on the cross beside Jesus, who asked Jesus to remember him when he goes to paradise.
God has done so many things in my life. He has been so good to me, … throughout all my life.
I thank God for his love for me, for the Word of God (the Bible), and for providing salvation for me.
Richard K.