It seems to be a common feeling among older adults that “time speeds up as we get older.” When I was a child, the expression did not make sense to me. Days, weeks and months seemed to pass so slowly during childhood. Now, as adults, we feel as though life is “speeding up.” How does one learn to cope in a modern world where silence is rare, schedules are full, work is demanding, and time for quality moments with family and friends is hard to find?
The Scripture tells us to “number our days,” Knowing that we each have a finite time to live upon this earth should help us develop an awareness of our priorities, goals, and needs. However, all to often, God is left out of the equation — or He doesn’t receive proper ranking as our first priority, and need.
I saw someone use a vase, small balls, and a single larger ball to teach a lesson about priorities.When the smaller balls were placed in the vase first, the large ball had no room to fit completely inside. But, when the larger ball was placed inside the vase first, then all of the smaller balls filled up the spaces, and everything fit.
Object of the illustration: Make a relationship with God your first and largest goal, priority, and need in your life, . . . and remember: we all make these choices anew each and every day. When we make our life’s choices with awareness and discernment, we begin to truly live a life of meaning.
“For He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”
Psalm 107:9